What people are saying...​

...about Jackie

“What has always stood out to me is Jackie’s ability to think strategically, while demonstrating a near obsession with what I will call, ‘disciplined execution’. Throughout my 40 plus year career in both politics and business, I have known many who excel in one or the other, but a much smaller number who can visualize a desired future (strategy) and consistently inspire all the hard, unglamorous blocking and tackling necessary to ensure execution.”

Alan Steelman

Former member of US Congress, former Vice Chairman of Alexander Proudfoot Company, former Chairman of the Dallas Council on World Affairs, and author of Yoga on the Yellow Brick Road

Dave Cossu's Review of J29 Associates

Dave Cossu​

Chief Operating Officer, Metro Communication Systems, Inc.​

“I’m a small business owner and a proud graduate of the ‘school of hard knocks’. I started Metro Communication Systems in my garage in 1997 and I’ve had to learn a lot the hard way – by looking back at serious costly challenges and figuring out how they could have been avoided.

Since meeting Jackie a few years ago, I’ve had the pleasure on many occasions to visit with her and get her real-life experience and knowledge as to what it takes to truly get the nuts and bolts of building a great company culture and infrastructure for the business. I / Metro have gained back 10-fold due to her knowledge and experience. We still have over 20 of our original employees hired back in the early 2000’s. Jackie’s coaching helped me to get done exactly what I wanted: The staff at Metro Communication Systems truly care about Metro and its customers.

I have experienced a couple of situations with EEOC and attorneys where if my team and Metro did not perform the correct policy and procedures; it could have been financially catastrophic. I strongly recommend Jackie and her knowledge for any size company. Your company will see the value very quickly.”

“Jackie brings fresh creativity to every conversation. Turning problems into possibilities isn’t work for her, it’s play.”

Judy Habib

CEO, KHJ Brand Activation

“Having successfully launched and developed several medical sales and service organizations over the years, I know the value of well-placed talent in the early stages of a new initiative. As VP of Sales, Jackie was able to create a shared vision and translate that vision into action plans. A strategic, results-oriented executive, Jackie has a strong track record for identifying the critical success factors necessary to achieve corporate goals. She is both a leader and a team player, as effective with C-level executives as she is with field sales representatives. Jackie’s contributions at a critical time for the business were invaluable.”

Paul Herchman

Chairman of the Board, MD Partners

...about Creating Culture

“Culture is to teams as character is to individuals.  Building and maintaining a great corporate culture is often glossed over by executives who see it as too amorphous or unmeasurable to tackle in a tangible way.  Jackie demolishes both of these concerns in Creating Culture.  Her real world, down-to-earth examples can be applied with any team or enterprise.  Reading it will undoubtedly give you ideas (and the conviction) of how to take your team to the next level!”

Steve Hindman

President, Hindman Consulting Group

“Jackie’s twenty-plus years of experience advising top Fortune 100 companies and management teams shines through in page after page of sound practical ways to instill a winning culture. This book provides a road map for CEO’s and senior executives that dramatically improves the odds of creating a culture that will give them a sharper competitive edge.”

Alan Steelman

Former member of US Congress, former Vice Chairman of Alexander Proudfoot Company, former Chairman of the Dallas Council on World Affairs, and author of Yoga on the Yellow Brick Road